Tuesday, 23 July 2019

No photo description available.

No photo description available.

A few more of his paintings-more to follow

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

It's been a while....

Just a few more of Gwilym's paintings in....

Please if you or a family member own one of his paintings, please E-mail me at craigandnic28@hotmail.com

I would love to see them.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011


News In!

Website has now gone live!

The website has now been uploaded.
Over 4 extra pages of images from around the world, just click on an image to view a bigger picture.

Lets hope other people with Gwilym's paintings come forward, and maybe even send me a picture......

I will also be visiting Wales in August to photograph around another 15 paintings, and also to obtain some more great stories about Gwilym.
The extra images will be uploaded in September-enjoy.

The link for the website is:

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

With thanks to Anglesey!

I have now had the latest press release in the Hollyhead & Anglesey mail.
Over the past few weeks I have now received over 30 calls from the people of the island.

I have now located an extra 40 paintings from the people of Anglesey.
This takes the total to over 115 oil paintings that I know about.

The newspaper article is at the following address, for the people that have not yet seen it.

Below are just a few of the stunning paintings now located.

Sunday, 7 November 2010

With thanks to the people of Great Malvern!

I have now had the latest press report in the Malvern Gazzette.
Little did I know just how many other paintings of Gwilyms were out there!
I spent a weekend going from one house to another, meeting some very nice people on the way.
Underneath are just a few of the latest paintings that have now been discovered.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

On the hunt again!
I have now just completed the photo shoot for the next local press release.
The next press report will be going in the Malvern Gazzette and Ledbury Reporter.
I know I have traced most of the local paintings that Gwilym produced, but I've just got this feeling that someone out their will have maybe another Malvern Hills or a local cottage waiting to be discovered. The paper will go to print on Friday the 29th October so lets hope it brings in some results.
I have also just received an e-mail from a very king gentleman called John Pritchard.
John new Gwilym very well from working in the goods in department at Rolls Royce in Shrewsbury. John went on to say how he had great conversations in Welsh with Gwilym, and how Gwilym always had a painting or two in his van. Lets hope that some of the local employees that worked at Rolls Royce managed to find the blog and get in contact.

Saturday, 9 October 2010

News Just In
I have now had an article about Gwilym placed in the Shrewsbury Chronicle. The article was requesting anyone with Gwilym's paintings to get in contact. The paper has been out for about a week now, so far I've not had any response from the people of Shrewsbury. I have however noticed a lot of people viewing this blog who live in Shrewsbury (was this you?), so lets hope that maybe they own a painting and will be in contact soon. If you have not seen this article then please feel free to have a read at the following: